Welcome to GPT Gateway!

A RESTful web service created to provide a simple API for generating text using various GPT models based on different providers. Whether you want to integrate chat completion into your application or explore the capabilities of different GPT models, this project has you covered.

You can host this API yourself but if you want to use already hosted API, it's live at https://gptgateway.onrender.com

For the API key, email me at nagaraj.pandith2002@gmail.com. Just to avoid exceeding rate limit on my generous free tier haha :p

Available Endpoints

Endpoint Description Method Example Body
/chat_completion Generates text using Model based on Provider POST {"content": "YOUR_PROMPT", "api_key": "API_KEY_HERE", "provider": "PROVIDER_NAME", "stream": false}
/working_providers Retrieves a list of Working Providers GET {}

The provider and stream parameters are optional. If not provided, the default provider is set to "Bing" and the default stream is set to true. If stream is set to false, the response will be in direct final output format.

For more information, check out the repository.

Detailed documentation can be found in the readme.